Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Result of HCS (Judicial Branch) Main Examination - 2011
Result of HCS (Judicial Branch) Main Examination - 2011
Press Note
On the basis of Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch) Main Examination - 2011 held from 24.11.2011 to 26.11.2011 at Chandigarh and interviews of qualified candidates held from 31.01.2012 to 07.02.2012, the Selection Committee has finalised the result and recommended the candidates bearing following Roll numbers in order of merit in each category for appointment to the posts of Civil Judge (Junior Division) in the State of Haryana:
General Category (Total Candidates - 58 ):-
1. 1100 2. 334 3. 415 4. 505 5. 263 6. 37 7. 514 8. 502 9. 964 10. 296
11. 841 12. 495 13. 658 14.125 15. 561 16. 657 17. 21 18. 326 19. 344 20. 594
21. 913 22. 729 23. 455 24 .600 25. 1128 26. 1110 27. 512 28. 875 29. 494 30. 798
31. 593 32. 1055 33. 806 34. 1065 35. 975 36. 759 37. 283 38. 942 39. 471 40. 1051
41. 703 42. 1002 43.1070 44. 70 45. 411 46. 724 47. 343 48. 450 49. 588 50.1000
51. 506 52. 725 53. 1047 54. 198 55. 573 56. 392 57. 590 58. 516
Waiting list for General Category (Total Candidates - 19):-
1. 799 2. 685 3. 831 4. 34 5. 1195 6. 968 7. 1201 8. 1132 9. 3 10. 313
11. 869 12. 69 13. 353 14. 163 15. 687 16. 138 17. 972 18. 393 19. 688
Schedule Castes Category of Haryana (Total Candidates - 18):-
1. 145 2. 635 3. 127 4. 225 5. 38 6. 1006 7. 700 8. 1210 9. 527 10. 306
11. 479 12. 922 13. 386 14. 1112 15. 604 16. 395 17. 42 18. 785
Backward Classes Category of Haryana (Total Candidates - 10):-
1. 1106 2. 518 3. 801 4. 894 5. 259 6. 837 7. 89 8. 320 9. 361 10. 989
Waiting list for Backward Classes Category of Haryana (Total Candidates - 3):-
1. 597 2. 526 3. 330
Ex-Serviceman including Dependent of ESM Category of Haryana (Total Candidates - 3):-
1. 233 ESM 2. 859 DESM 3. 935 DESM
Physically Handicapped Categories of Haryana:- 1
1. The final result of the candidates bearing Roll Nos. 1255, 1287, 1291 & 1309 has not been declared and the same shall be produced in a sealed cover in the Court on the next date of hearing as per order in CWP No. 21701, 21808, 21812 & 21904 of 2011.
2. In the eventuality of any vacancy accruing in General Category and Backward Classes category on account of non-joining of the candidates or resignation of any candidate or on account of any other unforeseen eventuality, such vacancies shall be filled up from the candidates from the waiting list in accordance with their respective categories.
3. While preparing the result due care has been taken. However any inadvertent error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves its right to rectify any error at a later stage.
Dated: 24.02.2012 Secretary
Haryana Public Service Commission
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Announcement HCS (Ex.Br.) Pre. Exam. - 2011
Haryana Public Service Commission
Bays No. 1 – 10, Block – B, Sector – 4, Panchkula
HCS (Ex. Br.) & Other Allied Services Preliminary Exam – 2011
Advt.No. 5 / 2011 Date of publication : 28.11.2011
It is hereby announced for the general information of the candidates who have applied in response to Advt.
no. 5 / 2011 published on 28.11.2011 in The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, Dainik Bhaskar and Aaj Samaj that the HCS (Ex. Br.) & Other Allied Services Preliminary Exam – 2011 will be held on 25.03.2012
(Sunday) at the head quarters of Panchkula, Ambala, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra, Karnal and Kaithal Districts. Admit Cards are being sent to the candidates by registered post. Candidates who do not receive admit cards upto 17.03.2012 should contact the Commission’s office personally at Panchkula on 19, 20, 21 and 22.03.2012 during office hours for obtaining duplicate admit cards. The candidates who find any error in the Name, Category, Date of Birth, Optional subject etc. in their admit cards, should also contact the Commission’s office on the above said dates for necessary rectifications in the Admit Card. After 22.03.2012, neither duplicate admit card will be issued nor any rectification in the admit card will be carried out by the Commission.
Besides above, admit cards will not be issued to the candidates who have not filled their addresses, optional subject in their application form and candidates who have applied on reserved category application form but have not mentioned their categories (i.e. SC / BC / ESM / PH (ortho) of Haryana, as the case
may be). Admit cards will also not be sent to those candidates who have not pasted their photograph on their application forms. Such candidates may contact Commission’s office immediately latest by 29.02.2012 to avoid rejection of their application form. Such candidates are advised to check the details of irregularities /
deficiencies in their application forms on the Commission’s website i.e.
Date: 22.02.12 Secretary
Haryana Public Service Commission
HCS(Ex.Br.) Exam - 2011:- List of Rejected candidates due to incomplete forms
HCS (Ex. Br.) & Other Allied Services Preliminary Examination - 2011
Rejected candidates due to incomplete forms
For complete detail click here-Detail
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश से आफत में गेस्ट टीचर्स
देनी ही पड़ेगी पात्रता परीक्षा
उच्चतम न्यायालय ने हरियाणा के सरकारी स्कूलों में नियुक्त करीब १6 हजार गेस्ट टीचर्स को करारा झटका देते हुए नियमित नियुक्तियों के समय उन्हें पात्रता परीक्षा से छूट देने संबंधी अर्जी खारिज कर दी है। कोर्ट ने गेस्ट टीचर्स को नियुक्ति के लिए साक्षात्कार में उनके अनुभव के लिए 24 अंकों का अतिरिक्त अधिमान दिए जाने की दलील को भी अस्वीकार कर दिया है। फैसले के बाद इन गेस्ट टीचर्स को नियमित नियुक्ति के लिए आवेदन से पहले राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा अनिवार्य रूप से पास करनी होगी। |
कोर्ट ने कहा कि जब राज्य सरकार के शिक्षक भर्ती नियमों मेंं पात्रता परीक्षा पास करना अनिवार्य है तो कोर्ट इसमें भला कैसे हस्तक्षेप कर सकती है?
> कोर्ट ने कहा कि जो व्यक्ति पात्रता परीक्षा पास करने मे सक्षम नहीं है, उसे नियमों में ढील देकर कैसे शिक्षक भर्ती किया जा सकता है।
> नियमित नियुक्ति के लिए याचियों को पात्रता परीक्षा की अनिवार्यता पूरी करनी ही होगी और इसमें किसी तरह की छूट संभव नहीं है।
> 24 अतिरिक्त अंक नहीं दे सकते। इससे अन्य प्रतिस्पर्धियों को बराबरी के अवसर नहीं मिल पाएंगे।
सरकार को भी लताड़ा कोर्ट ने राज्य सरकार को फटकार लगाई और कहा कि यदि उसकी भर्ती नीति सही थी तो हाईकोर्ट में खारिज होने के बाद सुप्रीम कोर्ट क्यों नहीं आए। पीठ ने पूछा कि हेड मास्टरों द्वारा भर्ती शिक्षकों को रियायत देने के लिए बनाई गई नीति का क्या आधार था। यह है मामला सरकार ने 200५-200६ में गेस्ट टीचर नियुक्त किए थे। इन शिक्षकों ने परीक्षा से छूट, साक्षात्कार में 24 अंक व आयु में छूट मांगी थी। सरकार ने मांगे मानते हुए शिक्षक भर्ती नीति बना दी। हाईकोर्ट में यह नीति खारिज हो गई। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने गेस्ट टीचर्स की अपील ठुकरा दी। |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
District wise Vacant Posts of JBT/HT after Rationalization
District Post
Ambala - 437 | |
Bhiwani - 406 | |
Chandigarh - -3 | |
Faridabad - 862 | |
Fatehabad - 142 | |
Gurgaon - 222 | |
Hisar - 189 | |
Jhajjar - 142 | |
Jind - 274 | |
Kaithal - 709 | |
Karnal - 471 | |
Kurukshetra - 437 | |
Mahendergarh - 171 | |
Mewat - | |
Palwal - 758 | |
Panchkula - 206 | |
Panipat - 693 | |
Rewari - 112 | |
Rohtak - 245 | |
Sirsa - 621 | |
Sonipat - 318 | |
Yamuna Nagar - 893 |
Friday, February 10, 2012
Interview Schedule Lecturer (School Cadre) Advt No. 03 for Chemistry, Hindi, English, History
Haryana Public Service Commission
Bays 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula.
Interview Schedule for the posts of Lecturer (School Cadre)
Advertisement 'o. 3
It is hereby announced for the general information of the candidates that the Commission has modified/revised the interview schedule for the posts of Lecturer (School Cadre) Advertisement No.3 at Commission office Bays 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula. Interview letters are being sent separately. The interview schedule is as under:-
Sanskrit & Political Science 15.02.2012
Chemistry 21.02.2012, 22.02.2012, 23.02.2012, 24.02.2012,
27.02.2012, 28.02.2012 & 29.02.2012
01.03.2012, 02.03.2012, 05.03.2012, 06.03.2012,
07.03.2012, 12.03.2012, 13.03.2012, 14.03.2012,
15.03.2012, 16.03.2012, 19.03.2012, 20.03.2012,
21.03.2012, 22.03.2012 & 26.03.2012
Hindi 21.02.2012, 22.02.2012, 23.02.2012, 24.02.2012,
27.02.2012, 28.02.2012 & 29.02.2012
01.03.2012, 02.03.2012, 05.03.2012, 06.03.2012 &
English 12.03.2012, 13.03.2012, 14.03.2012, 15.03.2012,
16.03.2012, 19.03.2012, 20.03.2012, 21.03.2012,
22.03.2012, 26.03.2012, 27.03.2012, 28.03.2012,
29.03.2012, 30.03.2012 & 02.04.2012
History 28.03.2012, 29.03.2012, 30.03.2012 & 02.04.2012
History 03.04.2012, 04.04.2012
09.04.2012, 10.04.2012 & 11.04.2012
Haryana Public Service Commission
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Hindi 441 / 471 105 / 58 92 / 100 187 / 83 8 / 3
Math & Sci. 1832 / 3815 307 / 347 278 / 420 299 / 277 26 / 08
Home Sci. 00 / 44 00 / 06 00 / 02 00 / 04 00 / 00
Punjabi 74 / 90 34 / 23 14 / 6 36 / 30 3 / 1
Social Sci. 2874 / 5048 672 / 713 590 / 873 1543 / 1046 116 / 49
Hindi 441 / 471 105 / 58 92 / 100 187 / 83 8 / 3
Math & Sci. 1832 / 3815 307 / 347 278 / 420 299 / 277 26 / 08
Home Sci. 00 / 44 00 / 06 00 / 02 00 / 04 00 / 00
Punjabi 74 / 90 34 / 23 14 / 6 36 / 30 3 / 1
Social Sci. 2874 / 5048 672 / 713 590 / 873 1543 / 1046 116 / 49
CATEGORY Lecturer:-
Hindi 404 / 1072 83 / 147 53 / 190 247 / 276 09 / 06
Sanskrit 79 / 61 16 / 12 00 / 08 29 / 19 01 / 00
Pol. Science 429 / 482 73 / 59 80 / 104 246 / 108 21 / 5
Mathematics 158 / 279 17 / 21 13 / 18 11 / 11 0 / 0
Chemistry 113 / 271 22 / 21 23 / 22 20 / 32 1 / 0
Psychology 15 / 78 7 / 9 2 / 7 12 / 15 0 / 0
Commerce 190 / 576 26 / 44 13 / 29 32 / 47 3 / 2
Sociology 15 / 29 4 / 0 0 / 2 12 / 10 2 / 0
Biolgy 169 / 650 31 / 77 21 / 122 56 / 113 3 / 10
Physics 49 / 52 6 / 3 6 / 7 2 / 6 1 / 0
Geography 69 / 52 12 / 4 9 / 12 15 / 7 1 / 0
HomeScience 0 / 42 0 / 1 --- 1 / 2 - -
Urdu 2 / 0 - -- 1 / 0 ---
Home Sci. 0/ 42 0 / 1 - - 1 / 2 ---
Hindi 404 / 1072 83 / 147 53 / 190 247 / 276 09 / 06
Sanskrit 79 / 61 16 / 12 00 / 08 29 / 19 01 / 00
Pol. Science 429 / 482 73 / 59 80 / 104 246 / 108 21 / 5
Mathematics 158 / 279 17 / 21 13 / 18 11 / 11 0 / 0
Chemistry 113 / 271 22 / 21 23 / 22 20 / 32 1 / 0
Psychology 15 / 78 7 / 9 2 / 7 12 / 15 0 / 0
Commerce 190 / 576 26 / 44 13 / 29 32 / 47 3 / 2
Sociology 15 / 29 4 / 0 0 / 2 12 / 10 2 / 0
Biolgy 169 / 650 31 / 77 21 / 122 56 / 113 3 / 10
Physics 49 / 52 6 / 3 6 / 7 2 / 6 1 / 0
Geography 69 / 52 12 / 4 9 / 12 15 / 7 1 / 0
HomeScience 0 / 42 0 / 1 --- 1 / 2 - -
Urdu 2 / 0 - -- 1 / 0 ---
Home Sci. 0/ 42 0 / 1 - - 1 / 2 ---
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Admission in D.ed.Special Education
Rehabilitation Council of India
A statutory body under Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt.of India
Admission Notice 2012-13
Career in Special Education
All India Online Aptitude Test for Admission to Diploma Courses in Special Education .Applications are invited for admission to-
1. Diploma in Education – Special Education (Deaf & Hard of Hearing
2. Diploma in Education – Special Education (Mental Retardation)
3. Diploma in Education – Special Education (Visual Impairment)
These Courses are offered by RCI recognized institutions to train special teachers to teach children with special needs. The schedule of important dates is given below-
Online registration begin and online prospectus-26th December 2011
Last date for Online Registration :21st February 2012 (5.00 P.M.)
Request for Prospectus Last date-10th February 2012
A statutory body under Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt.of India
Admission Notice 2012-13
Career in Special Education
All India Online Aptitude Test for Admission to Diploma Courses in Special Education .Applications are invited for admission to-
1. Diploma in Education – Special Education (Deaf & Hard of Hearing
2. Diploma in Education – Special Education (Mental Retardation)
3. Diploma in Education – Special Education (Visual Impairment)
These Courses are offered by RCI recognized institutions to train special teachers to teach children with special needs. The schedule of important dates is given below-
Online registration begin and online prospectus-26th December 2011
Last date for Online Registration :21st February 2012 (5.00 P.M.)
Request for Prospectus Last date-10th February 2012
For more detail click here-
DSSSB: Result of various PGT Post
The Category wise result of Part – I (Objective) Examination held on 10.12.2011 for the following 13 Post Codes of various posts of PGT, are declared here under and the candidates with the following Roll Nos. have been provisionally shortlisted for evaluation of their Part - II (Descriptive) answer sheets on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the Part – I (Objective) Examination.
Download Result
Complete Merit list of Part - I Examination dated 10.12.2011 of various posts
(21/10) (22/10) (23/10) (24/10)(33/10) (34/10) (41/10) (42/10) (43/10) (44/10) (45/10) (48/10) (49/10)
Download Result
Complete Merit list of Part - I Examination dated 10.12.2011 of various posts
(21/10) (22/10) (23/10) (24/10)(33/10) (34/10) (41/10) (42/10) (43/10) (44/10) (45/10) (48/10) (49/10)
DSSSB: Recruitment of Special Educator in MCD
Recruitment of Special Educator (Primary) in MCD
Number of Vacancies : 1610 (UR-879, OBC – 251, SC – 139 including OH -13 and HH -14).
Essential Qualifications : (1).Senior Secondary School (10+2) or its equivalent from a recognised Board/Institution.(2) Two years Diploma in Special Education recognized by Rehabilitation Counsil of India in any category of disability.,OR Any other equivalent qualification approved by Rehabilitation Council of India.(3) CTET Qualified.
Last date for application:13.03.2012
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4600/-; Group : “B” ; Probation Period : 02 Years;
Age Limit : Not exceeding 30 years & relaxable for SC upto 05 years, OBC upto 03 years PH upto 10 years, PH&SC upto 15 years, PH&OBC upto 13 years and Government Servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by Central Government. This post is identified as suitable for OH(OA, OL, OAL, BL) and HH persons as per the requisition of the User Department.
For more details
Number of Vacancies : 1610 (UR-879, OBC – 251, SC – 139 including OH -13 and HH -14).
Essential Qualifications : (1).Senior Secondary School (10+2) or its equivalent from a recognised Board/Institution.(2) Two years Diploma in Special Education recognized by Rehabilitation Counsil of India in any category of disability.,OR Any other equivalent qualification approved by Rehabilitation Council of India.(3) CTET Qualified.
Last date for application:13.03.2012
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4600/-; Group : “B” ; Probation Period : 02 Years;
Age Limit : Not exceeding 30 years & relaxable for SC upto 05 years, OBC upto 03 years PH upto 10 years, PH&SC upto 15 years, PH&OBC upto 13 years and Government Servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by Central Government. This post is identified as suitable for OH(OA, OL, OAL, BL) and HH persons as per the requisition of the User Department.
For more details

Sunday, February 5, 2012
Schedule of Exams of 2012 (Post Code 310,312, 09/10, 10/10, 15/10, 16/10, 51/10 to 66/10 & 64/11)
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
S.No. Post Code Minimum Percentage of Marks
16/10, 51/10 to 66/10 & 64/11
NOTE:It is also notified that there is no provision of re-evaluation of Answer Sheets/ Answer
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
310,312, 09/10, 10/10, 15/10, 16/10, 51/10 to 66/10 & 64/11
Superseding all earlier notifications issued by the DSSSB, the Board will hold Combined Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) and Main Examination (Descriptive Type) in one go in 3 hours duration
i.e. one hour for Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) followed by Main Examination (Descriptive
Type) for the following post codes on the dates shown against each as per the Examination Schedule
given hereunder. The detailed scheme of examination, test components, syllabus and general
instructions for candidates in respect of these post codes are available at the official website of
DSSSB i.e. It is also notified that the Preliminary Examination (Objective
Type) will be of qualifying nature and the candidates shortlisted shall be restricted to maximum of 6 to
10 times of the no. of vacancies including bracketed candidates , if any and availability of eligible
candidates. The final merit shall be prepared on the basis of performance of candidates i.e. marks
secured in Main Examination (Descriptive Type) subject to qualifying Skill Test/Typing Test/ Physical
Endurance Test etc. wherever applicable.
The Question-cum-Answer Booklet of Main Examination (Descriptive Type) will be evaluated only of
those candidates who qualify Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) based on above criteria. The
minimum cutoff marks for qualifying Preliminary Exam (Objective Type) and Main Exam (Descriptive
Type) shall be as follows:
Prelim. Exam Main Exam
1. 310,312, 09/10, 10/10, 15/10,
30% 35%
16/10, 51/10 to 66/10 & 64/11
Category 40% 45%
NOTE:It is also notified that there is no provision of re-evaluation of Answer Sheets/ Answer
Scripts in the examinations conducted by DSSSB.
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